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06 August, 2016

CPU, PSU, SPU - Oracle Patch Update Terminology

All these terminologies are used for the Oracle Database, Enterprise Manager, Fusion Middle-ware, and Web Logic.

CPU - Critical Patch Update refers to the overall release of security fixes each quarter rather than the cumulative database security patch for the quarter.  Think of the CPU as the overarching quarterly release and not as a single patch.

PSU - Patch Set Updates are the same cumulative patches that include both the security fixes and priority fixes.  The key with PSUs is they are minor version upgrades (e.g., to  Once a PSU is applied, only PSUs can be applied in future quarters until the database is upgraded to a new base version.

SPU - Security Patch Update terminology is introduced in the October 2012 Critical Patch Update as the term for the quarterly security patch.  SPU patches are the same as previous CPU patches, just a new name.  For the database, SPUs can not be applied once PSUs have been applied until the database is upgraded to a new base version.

Bundle Patches are the quarterly patches for Windows and Exadata which include both the quarterly security patches as well as recommended fixes.

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