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27 June, 2011


• An exception is an unusual condition in a
– Example: an illegal mathematical
operation is an exception.
– Eg. integer division by zero will lead to
an exception and to immediate program

Program :-
public class DivideByZero
public static void main (String args[])
int a=1;
int b=0;
System.out.println (“a/b = ” + a/b);

• output:
java.lang.ArithmeticException: / by
Application Exit

• Though the stack trace provided by Java is
helpful to the programmer for debugging, such
abrupt termination is likely to leave the user
• Exceptions allow the programmer to handle such
situations smoothly..

• The classical C approach to exception handling
involves two routes.
– signal and raise
– setjmp and longjmp

• In the signal method, an exceptional condition,
such as division by zero, is indicated by means
of a signal SIGFPE, defined in signal.h
• (Alternatively, a user may raise a signal through
• When a signal is raised, a signal handler (a
function) is called.
• A default signal handler is provided, and the user
may override it by registering an alternative
signal handler (pointer to a function).
• A default math error handler is provided, and the
user may override it by redefining the function


Need of Exception Handling


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