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27 June, 2011

Exception handling: Java specific part-3

Part - 3
Exceptions: multiple catch blocks
• Catch is not called: program execution is
transferred to it.
– if no exception occurs, then the catch
block will NOT execute.
• There may be more than one catch block.
– Each catch block handles one type of
exception .
– But only that catch block will be
executed which matches the type of the
exception generated.
• Thus, if we rewrite the previous program, so that
– there are two catch blocks:
– one which handles arithmetic exceptions.
– and one which handles i/o exceptions,
– and if an integer is incorrectly entered,
– then the exception will NOT be caught,
and an abnormal program termination
will occur .


public class MultipleCatch
public static void main(String args[])
{ int a;
int b;
System.out.println (“a = ”);
DataInputStream in = new
String inString = in.readLine();
a = Integer.parseInt (inString);
System.out.println (“b = ”);
b = Integer.parseInt (in.readLine());
int c = a/b;
catch(ArithmeticException e)
System.out.println (“Caught Arithmetic"+
catch (IOException i)
{ System.out.println (“Caught i/o”+
System.out.println (“Program exit”);

• Case 1: input:
• output: Program exit
• Case 2: Inputa=2
• Output:
Caught Arithmetic Exception
Program exit
• Case 3: input: a= *
• output:
java.lang.NumberFormatException: *
at java.lang.Integer.parseInt(
at java.lang.Integer.parseInt (
at MultipleCatch.main (
• Case1: no catch block is executed, since no
exception is thrown.
• Case 2: the first catch block is executed, since
an ArithmeticException is thrown.
• Case 3: a NumberFormatException is thrown but
there is no matching catch block. Hence the
program terminates.

<<<-Part - 2      ------------------------   Part - 4 >>>    

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